The question I get asked the most from people who have read ‘Settlement’; are there such investments as Life Settlement funds? Some people even ask if they are worth investing in, despite having read the book!

The answer is that there are such funds and to this day there is still a market for them, especially in America. They became popular after the financial crash of 2008 / 2009 and where seen as a low volatility investment, with low risk in an asset class that has no correlation to other investment markets. Persistent low interest rates in the US has seen retirees looking at other forms of investments to support their retirement incomes, and life settlement funds offer policy holders a way to raise capital by selling their policy and investors have the potential to achieve a return in excess of the low interest rates currently available.

One of the risks if you purchase a policy as an investor is that you don’t know when you’ll get your return and this if the crux of the storyline in Settlement. I took some liberties with certain technical aspects but the story stands up pretty well.

The other question I also get asked relates to J J Carmichael. If you’ve read the book you’ll know what I mean. If you haven’t then get reading!

Welcome to the world of Justin Kell I hope you enjoy his story.

Marvin Dixon

April 2021

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