Welcome to Marv’s monthly for April where I’m very pleased to let you know that the third instalment of the Justin Kell series has been finished and sent off AM. It picks up the story of Kell where we left him at the end of Payback and as well as the usual fast paced plot, the book also focuses on Kell’s private life and the relationships with Amy and Molly. I’m still toying with a couple of ideas for the title and will make the final decision when I hear back from the publisher.

My thoughts have already turned to book four and I’ve started sketching out the synopsis. For me this is the hardest part of the process, coming up with the ideas for the plot lines. Once I’ve got these laid out and the writing starts, its amazing how the creative juices develop the story in ways I never imagined.

In the last month I’ve read two books, the memoirs of A A Gill (Adrian Gill) the Sunday Times food critic and journalist, ‘Pour me a Life’ and Stephen King’s ‘Later’. Gill’s book is an extraordinary read as he describes his battle with alcohol and drug addiction, getting clean, and then to become of the country’s leading journalist’s. Its well worth a read. King’s book is typical SK, completely absorbing and you just can’t put it down.

Marvin Dixon

April 21

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