Welcome to the first of my monthly posts, where I will update you on the trials, tribulations and progress with my current writing assignment and cover other literary updates, what I’m reading, book recommendations and associated topics.
Now that Payback, book two of the Justin Kell series has been published, I’m focusing on promoting the books alongside putting the finishing touches to book three. The last 12 months of lockdown has given me plenty of time to finish the next instalment in the Kell series and I’m just doing a final read through before sending off to AM. Thanks go to my brother Bill who not only is an excellent proof reader but has also been able to advise on the technicalities of computer programming and App development which feature in the book.
As usual my Christmas presents where primarily books and I’ve just finished reading Homers’ The Iliad and The Odyssey, The English Civil War by Nick Lipscome and I’m currently half way through an excellent Val McDermid thriller. My favourite author is Stephen King, and it’s great he’s got a couple of books coming out shortly.
Marvin Dixon
March 21

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